A 'Yes' Obsession

I have recently decided to stop saying 'yes'.

I have this horrible habit of instant agreement without thinking.  I thrive on other people's excitement, encouragement, and passions.  I also love to please and have a fear of letting people down.  All of these things stop me from being truly real.  They also bring me to the point of saying yes to everyone for anything. right away.  I then begin to regret what I say, dread certain activities or events..not follow through, make cancellations, let others down (Which is what I fear, so it is very contradictory), and above all live with a TOO busy schedule that I can't keep up with.  This is where my stress kicks in.  I end up wearing myself out with too many commitments and social get togethers, and not enough time for myself or my husband.  In the end I cannot even give my all to what I have committed to because I am too tired and have too much going on.  It is like I have made 'yes' my obsession.. or addiction... I'm not quite sure. { Opposite of my post on Overcoming the Stay-At-Home Mommy Blues, where I talk about having extremely slow weeks, I also struggle with having extremely packed weeks. }

SO - I am refusing to say yes to anyone immediately.  I am refusing to say yes so that I will be more real to myself and others, I will set better guidelines for myself, and I will only end up agreeing to do something that I actually CAN do.

Instead I will let the person know I will get back to them, or I will think about it, or I am just not sure yet.  And if I know I can't I will be more honest instead of pushing myself beyond my limits.  By doing this, I hope to better plan my weeks.

I also have set out these guidelines for myself to go by when deciding on my plan for the week.  I encourage you to consider these as well, but of course remember to alter it according to your own schedule and needs - for myself, I am a stay at home mom with one baby girl.  This will look different for everyone!

Weekly Time Management Guidelines

1.  Always have one free day a week with nothing planned.  Use this day for cleaning, cooking, groceries, just playing with Emelyn, etc.

2.  Always be home for 4:30.  This gives me time to cook, tidy up, feed Emelyn, and wrap up the day before hubby gets home.  This way, when he does get home, I can spend my full attention with him!

3.  Only plan two travel days a week.  A travel day to me, is considered more than 25 minutes.  (This is also important for saving money on gas! :)

4.  Evenings:  Plan the week so that I have one evening for friends, one night for my own, two nights for work related, and three nights with hubby.

5.  Weekends:  ALWAYS family first!

While some weeks will not be exactly as these guidelines say..to have these regular guidelines will keep me on track with my priorities and stress levels.


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