God's Gentle Reminder

This morning I woke up with my regular routine -- 6 am wake up, shower, got ready, and then Emelyn woke up and our day began.  I like to add more to my routine before Emelyn wakes up.  As you can see in my post titled A 'Routined' Day with a Crawler, it should at least include coffee and laundry. But lately Emelyn has been waking up earlier and I have been waking up later.  I know..this is against my policy of Waking Up Early.  I have had a hard time getting back into my set routine after a busy month of family visiting, working, changing schedules, etc.  Though this is no excuse.

My wake up routine should also include devotional time.  I had meant to read my Bible and spend time in prayer...after I showered...if Emelyn didn't wake up first.  This is the truth.  In reality (as important as showering is before baby wakes up) this needs to be my number one wake up, above anything else (even coffee!).

God sent me a gentle reminder today along with a moment of grace.  

After an hour and a half of playing, getting ready, eating breakfast, I was ready to go out the door and go grocery shopping.  As I was finishing up Emelyn's diaper change she began to rub her eyes.  As I picked her up she snuggled me like she was ready to sleep.  I looked at the time.  Seeing that it wasn't even 8:00 am yet and her normal nap time is around 10:00 am, I was very confused.  But I reasoned with it and thought maybe she was overtired because of a busy thanksgiving weekend with family.  So I put her down for an extremely early nap.  I stuck in a load of laundry and sat down and thought to myself - now I have time to spend in devotions.  I felt a strong push to pray and open God's word.  

After spending time reading a Psalm and praying for my day, asking God to open my eyes to His plan for me, I decided that now I have extra time to blog, clean, etc. Yet, as soon as I put down my Bible and began to get up I heard a cry from the crib.  Emelyn was up already - and it had only been about 15 minutes (or less).  I went to see, and she was as awake as could be.  Now maybe Emelyn really did need a 10 minute nap.  Or maybe..just maybe...God was giving me a moment of grace to come to Him before I truly began my day.  

Emelyn is napping now and I could have easily read my Bible and talked to God at this moment.  But I strongly believe God was sending me a reminder.  A reminder that before I go out into the world, even if it is just a grocery trip, or a walk around the block, I need to begin with Him.  Before I even send a text to a friend or put a load of laundry in, I must begin with Him.  He must be my rock and my guide for my entire day.  I believe this is true so that my plans, my words, and my actions will be more according to His ways.  I believe this is true so that my mindset throughout the day is more focused on His plan.  I believe this is true so that my days hold the purpose and direction from Him.

With a busy 1 year old I only have one option to do this.  That is right when I wake up.  The moment I wake up.  If I choose to shower, to get ready, or to do a load of laundry before I sit down with God's word, the likelihood of me getting to sit down is low.

I recently heard of this app called 'First 5'.  I just downloaded it, and I am excited to begin my days using this.  It is an app that wakes you up with an alarm and then dives right into a devotional for the day.  I am hoping this is what I need to bring back my focus on God's word - first thing.  Simply another way to make that morning alarm a beautiful thing.

God's reminder to me, can be His reminder to you as well.  Begin your day with Him - begin your day with His ways in mind, His glory, and His love.  


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