Do What You Love

Today I was forced to look through old teaching binders to look for resources for a friend.  I have 3 rubbermaid containers full of teaching supplies from my years of teaching.  One of them is packed with binders and papers giving plans, activities and ideas.  Suddenly I got carried away just looking through them all...remembering lessons taught, and even thinking of new ideas while looking through.  Excitement rose in me, and I began to want to go through it all once again.  I want to plan that exciting lesson and watch as the kids just GET IT. I want to spark interest in a topic that maybe students weren't interested in before.  I want to feel the rush from teaching a dynamic lesson that the students enjoy.

I already started to feel the rush... the rush of simply thinking about it.  Not only did I feel the rush of carrying out these lessons but I felt the rush of wanting to share them and write about them.  The way I get out my excitement is by talking about it, by sharing and by writing.  So I looked back at my old blog - The Adventure of Teaching.  I began to get excited about new ideas stirring in my mind.  Who knows where I will go from here.  Maybe it will simply be these thoughts and ideas running through my mind today and in a year I will chose to play them out.  Maybe I will begin right away.  It's not my plan - it is God's.  But God has given me this desire, this love.  And how can I not use that?  To ignore it would be to ignore the passion GOD has instilled in me.

Do what you love.  Find out what it is.  I have been given the privilege to be able to do some things I truly love to do this past year.  One of them is simply writing this blog.  As I delve more and more into what I love, I learn more and more about what I do love and how I can use that for God's glory.  Because it does take time to learn what you love.  So often we spend our lives doing our daily tasks and work, while not even considering whether or not we are feeling that inner excitement.  Spend TIME to do this.  That time holds incredible importance.  Spend time to research, to discover, to try out different options, to know what it is for you.  Whether you are a busy mom, or a full time worker (or both!!), don't allow that to take away from the time you spend doing what you truly, deep down, love to do.

God has given you a passion...a desire... for SOMETHING.  What is it?  What is it that gives YOU that rush?


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