Setting Priorities Straight

The days are spiralling around you.  The time seems to be spinning full speed ahead while you are functioning in slow motion.  You are slowly loosing energy and motivation in the times that you seem to need it most.  Yet the days keep spinning and you can't even catch a breath.  You are lost.

When life feels like a whirlwind, with numerous commitments, appointments, and events going on - we can get lost.  Lost in the midst of our duties, responsibilities, and want-to-dos.

The thing to say in our society today is 'I'm so busy'.  This has almost become a saying in order to prove that you have worth.  Why is busyness overtaking our lives?  Why is busyness becoming that which helps us feel worth in today's world?

Busyness is unavoidable at times.  Yet amidst that busyness we must take time to slow down and to focus.  To focus on what is the most important.  Over the past little while I have felt this feeling of lost - lost direction.  It has felt that I have had so much on the go that my focus has been split.

I needed a change.  I did one simple task to begin this change and this one act has been positively affecting my life in so many ways.  This is one tip that I want to pass on - one tip to help you slow down and focus.

Set your Priorities Straight by writing a list of your priorities in order.  

From one to however many roles you have --- write your priorities in order.  Then hang up this list somewhere, where you will see it daily.  This will be sure to help you tremendously in being reminded of the most important tasks of each and every day.  Remember to BE SPECIFIC.  If one of your roles is to be a mother be sure to add the duties you have for that role underneath.

My list of priorities begins with being a child of God.  This is my number 1 role in each day.  Daily seeing this priority on the top of my list reminds me that above all the tasks and duties I need to complete that day, my number 1 priority is to spend time with God so that my focus for the rest of my tasks will still be under that title.  

My second priority is taking care of myself.  While this might seem too high on the list, I believe that in order to accomplish my other tasks and excel at my other roles I must take the time to take care of myself.  Taking time to get ready each morning, spending some time doing my own tasks that I desire to do (maybe even just 15 minutes!), and mentally preparing myself for all other roles I lead, allows me to do better at all of these jobs.  

My third and fourth priorities are my roles as a wife and as a mother.  Having these written down brings me back to the focus of the importance of simply spending time with my daughter, the significance of making dinners and keeping the house *somewhat* clean, and the prominence of taking time to be with my husband.  I often can trick myself into thinking that these things are time consuming and I don't have the time to do so.  Once I have written these two roles down as top priorities I am reminded that these are some of my most important roles.  Blogging, my jewelry making, and more can wait as those honestly come fifth on my list of priorities.  Yes, this means that I need to make smaller goals for my blogging and it means I may not accomplish as much as I would have dreamed of in a year --- but it also means my faith life will not suffer and my family life will not suffer.

Allow yourself to thrive in your most important roles and your most important tasks.  Allow yourself to be reminded of your top priorities each and every day so that you do not become overwhelmed by it all.  Take time for the most important roles that you have to lead.

For other tips on how to organize your days, manage your time, and stay focused on your tasks check out these posts:


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