A Day in the Life of...

Motherhood can feel lonely. We often feel like we are doing this mom thing alone, in our own homes. We question whether we are doing it right, whether we are planning the days best for our kids and whether we are really creating days that are meaningful for them.

The internet and social media are such glorious places where we as moms are able to relate to similar moms. In our days by ourselves with our kids, we are able to feel connected to these moms. We can learn from other moms, we can teach other moms, we can relate to other moms.  We can live better with these other moms.

Sometimes our days feel scattered, purposeless and lost. By sharing our days with each other and seeing what works for other moms and how this might also work for our own families and homes we can find better routine and schedule for our days that make sense. We can be encouraged in our current ways of living and be inspired to add or change certain aspects.

All to be the best for our kids.

So for the season of Fall, various moms are going to be sharing their 'Days in the Life of…'. We will have one a week – every Wednesday. From raising newborns to toddlers to tweens to teens we will see and experience how other moms live their daily lives. The focus? Find out how other moms try their best to bring joy and purpose into their days...even in the littlest ways.

Together, we will learn, experience and be inspired by each other.

Every Wednesday. Come back here next week, September 6,  to discover what it means to live a day in the life of another mom and find connection and community.

**Be sure to sign up for the email list to not miss a single post!


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