Our Stories of Growth

We are constantly in periods of growth.  Whether these periods of time are acknowledged or not, we are always changing, developing and becoming more of who we are meant to be.  Through this we are coming to a better understanding of ourselves and of who God has made us to be.

Often we come to acknowledge a period of growth after it has happened.  We look back and we see where God was working in us when we didn't even know it at the time.

Recently, I wrote my husband a letter.  It was a letter about our love story...a story that started out rocky, continued as a rollar coaster but led us to where we are today - with much growth in love.  While writing, I came to realize so much more how we have grown and how much God has been working in us.  Writing our story gave me clarity and insight to where God was during those tougher years and how He has been molding us to be more like Him through our marriage.

Since doing so, I have had a desire to write out all the different stories that I have in my life.  From stories with friendships, to stories of personal change, to stories of becoming a mother.  Stories that have shaped me and changed me --- stories that are evident of growth, and above all evident of God's work in my life.

I want to encourage you too, to write out your stories.  Start from the beginning and see where it takes you. In this way you will become aware of the beauty of growth.  Perhaps you may be reminded of this during a time that feels more of a struggle than a joy.  In this way you can be assured and reminded of God's incredible faithfulness and love His hand has had on your life.  Take the time to record your stories and see where God has taken you.  You may be incredibly surprised at what you are led to write.


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